[HTB] Analytics
Last Update:

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We can see there is a http page running on port 80
Also we add the domain to the /etc/hosts file
Web Page
After looking around the website, when I pressed the login button, it took me to the data.analytical.htb subdomain
So we update the hosts file again and we get a login page
The login page:
After searching for a Metabase exploit, I came across CVE-2023-38646
This vulnerability allows us to execute code without any authentication
We head to the url specified in the previous link (data.analytical.htb/api/sessions/properties) and search for setup-token
As we can see, the setup-token is leaking, which means it is vulnerable to the exploit
Run the exploit
Download the exploit
Setup a netcat listener.
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While the listener is running, run the exploit
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After the exploit runs, we get a shell as the user metabase.
Docker Container
We are now in a docker container.
However, if we check the environment variables, we get a user and password
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SSH and user flag
We can now use the credentials obtained to ssh as the user metalytics
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We are now logged in as metalytics.
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We can now get the user.txt flag
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Ubuntu LPE
No sudo commands can be run.
I searched for exploits on the running OS version, which is 22.04.2-Ubuntu
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I found this Ubuntu LPE exploit
First i tried to run the command “id” and see if I would get root back
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We got the root id, which means the command is being executed as root
So I change the command to run a bash shell
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We now have a shell as root
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All we have left to do is get the root flag
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