[HTB] Appsanity
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If we head to we can see that the domain is meddigi.htb
So we change the /etc/hosts file and check out the web page
Web Page
It also allows us to create an account, and when we do, we can see that it creates a patient profile
If we run ffuf to look for subdomains, we find a ‘portal’ subdomain
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Don’t forget to update the hosts file
Doctor Account
If we head to https://portal.meddigi.htb, we can see that we can login with an email and a Doctor Ref. Number
To get a doctor account, we can capture the register request from when we create an account on the previous page, and change the account type
Now if we login, we confirm that we have a Doctor account
Doctor Panel
Now we have a doctor account, but I did not find any “Doctor Ref.Number”
However, we can use the access_token cookie from meddigi.htb, to login in portal.meddigi.htb
Now we have access to the Doctor Panel
The “Issue Prescriptions” menu is vulnerable to SSRF on port 8080
It opens a report list, and allows us to open the report file
If we copy the “View Report” link, the link looks like this:
Uploading RevShell
In the Doctor Panel there is also a “Upload Report” menu.
However it only allows us to upload PDF files.
We just need to create a .aspx reverse shell, and add the PDF header.
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Now add the PDF header (%PDF-1.7%).
With the header, it allows us to upload the report.
If we check the reports again using the SSRF found before, we can see the new report.
Copy the “View Report” link and change the domain to
It will look like something like this:
User Shell
Finally, to get our first shell in the machine, we setup a meterpreter listener
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Now we just place the link to open the shell in the “Issue Prescriptions” menu and we get a shell
Now we just get the user.txt flag
Lateral Movement
If we run netstat on the machine, we can see that there is a ReportManagement.exe running on port 100
We can port forward the port 100 to a port on our local machine, I used port 12345 in this case
And we use netcat on our machine to check what the application does
We will use this later
If we head to the directory
We can see a ExaminationManagement.dll file, if we decompile it, we can find a registry key that retrieves while running.
Download the .dll file
Then I used dnSpy to decompile it, and we can find the registry key it accesses
devdoc login
In the meterpreter session, we can retrieve that registry key with the following command:
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And we get what looks like to be a password
If we try that password on the following list of users
It works on the user devdoc
We start by reverse engineering the ReportManagement.exe file that was running on port 100
I downloaded the file and opened it in Ghidra
In Ghidra we can see that it accesses the directory:
C:\Program Files\ReportManagement\Libraries
And opens a file called “externalupload”
.dll RevShell
The externalupload file is a .dll file, and the user devdoc has permission to change the file.
So we create a .dll reverse shell, and when we run the upload function on the ReportManagement.exe application, we can get a shell
First create the .dll revshell
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And upload it to the Libraries folder
Admin Shell
Now that the reverse shell is uploaded, we start a meterpreter listener
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We run the application that we port forwarded to our local machine and use the upload function
And finally we have a shell as Administrator
Now we just get the root.txt flag